Back to WA

2013-03-04 17.52.36The glamor of business travel, continued…

After spending five weeks out of six in Connecticut, last week I was back in Everett. I didn’t take either camera with me on any of the Connecticut trips; I didn’t have much of a chance to wander around looking for anything interesting. But for this trip, I figured it might be fun to get a little time lapse of the ferry coming and going from Mukilteo. Turns out to be not that interesting, but so it goes.

While letting the camera run, I met a group of folks from Ukraine – a man, his wife, and his parents. I tried my very rusty Russian on them and we chatted for a while. The parents didn’t speak any English and I’ve lost nearly all my Russian so it wasn’t much of a conversation. My Soviet army belt buckle got a reaction, though.

The GoPro didn’t do a very good job of capturing the light. It’s automatic shutter controls keep it from showing the fading light as the sun set.

2013-03-04 17.53.49Much to my surprise (not), it rained half the time I was there, clear for the first and last days. My flight left Seattle just before sunset. On the climb out, we had a nice view of Mt. Ranier, the last rays of the day’s sun bathing the snow capped summit in pink.

On the mundane side, I’ve managed to get a different kind of rental car on each trip – seven in a row now. This time was a Chevy Malibu. It’s the first rental I’ve had with automatic head lights. I discovered that the intermittent windshield wipers change speed – on one setting they were intermittent when driving slowly but went to constant when I got over about 40mph. The wonders of technology.